Anti-Gun Violence Asset Mapping Project

The Anti-Gun Violence Asset Mapping Project was a multi partnership with NYCHA, Verizon, and DIVAS to NYCHA pitched the idea of creating a map to address the issue of gun violence. DIVAS agreed on the basis of taking an asset based approach to the project as opposed to just addressing the violence through the map. The map would be reflective of the positive assets of a community that could alleviate the issue of gun violence if expanded on.
Perspectives in Alcohol in East New York
Perspectives in Alcohol in East New York is an interactive mapping project. It is a qualitative report on the environmental harms of binge drinking in East New York, Brooklyn. With the support of The Partnership for a Healthier NYC, Center for Disease Control and The Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation, DIVAS for Social Justice conducted media activism workshops with youth in East New York, Brooklyn to capture environmental scans and capture testimonials of community members experience with binge drinking and exposure to alcohol advertisements.
Project Site:
The Bed-Stuy Community Eco-Mapping Project
The Bed-Stuy Community Eco-Mapping Project -a grassroots initiative to highlight green activities in Bedford Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. In November 2009, Ajamu Brown was awarded a grant by TogetherGreen, a conservation leadership program co-funded by Toyota and the Audubon, to develop a community toolkit that would assist local residents in discovering their communities green assets. With the help of DIVAS for Social Justice, a local community-based program that trains youth in media skills, they have recorded several interviews with residents about gardening in Bed-Stuy.
Project Site: Bed-Stuy Community Eco-Mapping Project