STEAM Awards

Friday, July 26, 2013
4:00pm – 6:00pm
Macon Library
361 Lewis Ave., Brooklyn, New York 11233

Come celebrate with us the end of STEAM Camp! We will feature presentations from our campers on the projects they created using technology, which include:

The “STEAM News Team”- The youth have created a newscast that will have three featured stories on the projects they are designing in camp will integrate in the Bedford Stuyvesant community. The members of the STEAM camp serve as the production team for each story.

Robotics for Social Change- Youth are building and programming a Lego Mindstorm Robotics Kits in preparation to compete in 2014 in First Lego League Competition that will focus on Nature’s Fury.

Let’s Move Initiative with Little Bits- Inspired by Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move Initiative, youth have designed a project with the electronic modules that will encourage Bed Stuy residents to exercise and help fight obesity.

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